Back To the Future
Asked by Glenda Zylinski on August 7, 2020
Hi, Jerry-
Thanks for taking my question.
The going away party for my novel just ended with tears, hugs, and hopes for a reunion. I found myself starting to speak my character's lingo, caught myself praying for them once, and looked forward to meeting them each morning.
A genre change to serve my readers best, means returning to a memoir that I finished but never polished. There were 13 chapters, but I lost several to esoteric rabbit trails and also to the nether lands of cyberspace.
As a Word Mender it's back to a painful journey for the future of employing the most healing words to serve my readers best. I'm terrified that I won't do them justice (readers and words).
Question: Can you point me in the right direction-where do I start in the Guild?
Jerry's Answer