Ask Jerry

Editing process

Asked by Samantha Hawkins on April 26, 2023

Dear Jerry

With your editing advice, I’ve really noticed a difference in the quality of my writing. You’ve honestly had such a positive, noticeable impact. Thank you so much.

However! I’ve noticed that, because I’m editing more, my word count is significantly reduced. I understand this is a good thing, because cutting adds power. And, when I do reread, I can definitely feel the positive difference.

But — editing so vigorously means I remove certain words, phrases, etc.

How do I know I’ve removed for the better and not harmed my writing?

Should I go back and sprinkle in that extra flair? Or not, because I removed it in the first place?

Thanks, Jerry.

Jerry's Answer

Thanks for your kind comments, Samantha.

What makes us authors is knowing when we've stopped making something better and are making it only different. Overall, yes, cutting adds power. But if you feel the music is gone, it's ok to revisit that. Just make sure the writing doesn't draw attention to you or itself--the story must remain king. Use the extra space for more tightly written scenes.

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