Ask Jerry

Fictional quote

Asked by John Heskett on March 31, 2020

At the opening of some chapters, I'm using quotes from a fictional book. It is pseudoreligious in nature. Should it use or omit chapter and verse numbers?
Fate has no power over me, destiny cannot judge me, circumstances and powerful others have no control of me for PURE is my judge. — Daniel the Redeemer, Book of the Lost 40:10.
btw; PURE is the name for the Creator in the novel.
Thank you for all you do. JM Heskett

Jerry's Answer

So, John, this is entirely a fictional construct of your own? You're not quoting someone else's fiction?

If that's the case, I love the inclusion of chapter and verse, as if it's real. You want the reader to willingly suspend disbelief and buy your premise, and that specificity only adds to the illusion.

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