Ask Jerry


Asked by Emma Ryan on November 16, 2020

Hi Jerry,

I understand Italics are out. Is it ever ok to use them now. For example recalling an old text message, recalling a conversation, recalling an argument or anything in the past that needs to be brought into the present , a character reading out a Eulogy or email etc.
If italics are completely out, how do you emphasize any of the above scenarios?

Many thanks

Jerry's Answer

The key is to set things apart consistently, Emma. Some publishers still use italics; most don't.

Here's how I set apart something like you cited.      This is a double indent, once the paragraph has            been written. It moves the whole thing to the right,      including the opening indent. (It doesn't translate        as well here, but you'll see that it works in Word.)          Then the publisher is free to do with that copy              whatever it wishes to match its style.

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