Ask Jerry

Second Book

Asked by Hadassah Waugh on February 3, 2021

Hi, Mr. Jenkins!
I read in a book written by an agent that your second book should not be a sequel to the first. But my story is overarching in a series, and I’d hate to change gears in story completely for my second book. Starting something new when I haven’t finished the old one is destructive for me — not to mention, I’ve already written the second book in my series, and am editing the first. I’m half done editing, too!
I’m sure there will be at least three more books in this series, and I love this story, and intend to publish it regardless of whether I can land a traditional publisher or not. I will try traditional first.
My question is, is there any point switching gears and writing something my heart’s not in just for the sake of supplying a publisher a second book?
Also, I love what Dallas is doing with Chosen! When’s your novel of the first season coming out? I’d love to read it!😊

Jerry's Answer

I hope you're misunderstanding what that agent wrote, because it makes no sense. Publishers LOVE series, and if the first book succeeds, they'll be eager to publish sequels.

I Have Called You By Name releases March 2. :)

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