Ask Jerry

Setups and Payoffs

Asked by Charles Lang on September 2, 2020

Good morning Jerry,

It's me again.

I am working through Module 7 homework and listing as many setups and payoffs as possible on a large storyline on the end times. I need a voice of reason to keep my project on track. I have sketched out 90 scenes already, each is worthy of several chapters. Should I be developing the entire storyline before I begin writing the first volume in earnest?

Am I getting too bogged down on such a massive outline? When should I get down to focusing on that first volume? I fear that if I don't focus on a compelling opening novel, no one will care about the end of the journey. How do I use my limited resources of time on a project that is worthy of many volumes but with the reality that I have so little time available while pastoring and working full time? (10 hours a week max.)

Where's the balance?
Did you see Kingdom Come when you started Left Behind?
Help me stay on track and say a prayer for me, please.
Charles E Lang Sr.

Jerry's Answer

A scene lasting longer than a chapter doesn't sound feasible, Charles.

If you're a true Outliner, the longer the outline, the better the book.

As for the ten hours a week, all you can do is all you can do. Just be sure to redeem the time every time and you'll see the pages pile up.

Left Behind was intended to be one big book. I got half way through the manuscript and realized I had covered only two weeks of the seven years. So it just kept growing.

Everything hinges on the first book being complete and satisfying in itself. The rest is just a dream until you pull that off.


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