My heroin has experienced some supernatural activities while living a normal life. How do I include them in my story without losing the readers? Thank you.
Jerry's Answer
First, be sure to spell heroine correctly; otherwise you're referring to the drug. :)
Don't fear losing readers if the story elements work. It's only when stuff is not logical, based on your premise, that readers stop willingly suspending disbelief.
True, there will be some who are uncomfortable reading of such occurrences. Short of leaving those out, there's nothing you can do about readers' tastes or sensibilities.
Jerry's Answer
First, be sure to spell heroine correctly; otherwise you're referring to the drug. :)
Don't fear losing readers if the story elements work. It's only when stuff is not logical, based on your premise, that readers stop willingly suspending disbelief.
True, there will be some who are uncomfortable reading of such occurrences. Short of leaving those out, there's nothing you can do about readers' tastes or sensibilities.